This is a draft of the patch notes for today's update. Might be some tweaks which will be updated here and noted if so...
1. Updated the dynamic loading systems
- Optimized asset streaming
2. Updated ragdoll force calculations
- Resolved issues with extremely jittery ragdoll physics
3. Updated mob intelligence
- Resolved a lot of the issues with mob combatants attack schedules
4. Improved the combat experience
- Added new damage types
- Fixed enhancement calculation
- Balanced mob spawns
- Balanced mob damage
- Updated player combat calculations to include a few new combat properties
- Updated enhancements to make combat more dependent on them at higher levels
5. Added value to enhancements
- Updated the enhancement vendors surplus to include the new enhancements
- Removed some of the level 50 enhancements that were sold by the enhancement vendor for testing
6. Separated enhancements into their respective classifications
- Red (Offense)
- Blue (Defense)
- Yellow (Utility)
- Purple (Special)
7. Fix many of the power sets currently available
- A hotfix will be available in the new few days to resolve others; a few last minute bugs resulted in the removal of some of their status effects
8. Improved the draw/holster process
- A known animation frame error exists at two points of the processing
- It's an issue that we spent the last few days trying to work around, however we can't do so without completely coding a new system
- Unity Technologies expects to resolve the source issue with their upcoming patch late next week
9. Improved power set handling for mobs
- Mobs now have specific power sets for their combat classification
- Attacks are also now weapon specific, so mobs aren't seen holstering and drawing weapons when switching weapon classification types
- More expansions for this are coming in the upcoming hotfix release
10. All missions are once again included
- As our content designers are still working on the beginner experience, only a few missions are properly set to be guided; others will be added as content is finalized, but the NPC mission contacts are still available if you explore
- All waypoints have been properly aligned
11. Improved particle systems
- Lots of quality-of-living additions have been made in order to make particle management better on the visual and technical side of production
12. Added more buildings to San Cielo
- San Cielo Police Department HQ
- NameSake Media / NameSake Radio HQ
- San Cielo Medical Center
- Orion Laboratories
- Note that all new buildings are work-in-progress models that still require updates
13. Updated water shader
- The water shader has seen a completely MMO-friendly rewrite
- The underwater update is still pending
14. Updated locomotion and combat animations
- Increased combat animation speeds slightly
15. Updated the character generation tech in preparation for our character overhaul
Sorry that the formatting is a bit messy but your Friendly Neighborhood Community Manager (me) has a wedding to attend today. Will fix shortly.