Jaximus wrote:
Powerhelm wrote:
90 sounds about right if you account for variations on similar sets I assume there will be some power overlap between sets.
If each powerset has 10 powers that doesn't mean 900 powers it's probably more like up to 100-200 powers and overlap.
This also allows for an exceptional increase in the development rate of new powersets but they can still be balanced within themselves.
For the initial 90 there will be few overlapping powers.

Mind. Blown.
Is there any chance that selecting an origin type can tag powers you take with additional info?
So say I'm a Magic type origin could my Fire Sword be tagged as Melee, Fire, and Magic? To allow for a higher crit chance or small bonus damage vs say Tech NPCs?
The thing that always bothered me about CoX was that there was no bonus damage to X type by Y damage or Origin was a pointless click at character creation. If Powers integrated origin in some way that'd be great even if it only mattered in PvE and didn't affect PvP.