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4 years 10 months ago
I'm still whining about no Mac client. Sometimes I even cry. For days and days.... :cheer:
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  • SKIPJACK's Avatar
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4 years 10 months ago
I just cry cause it's fun.

But ya know, Mac is always that hard one to get rolling.

We are working on patching the client to function with Mac.
I would say back away slowly but umm… I think I’ll just shoot you.
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4 years 8 months ago
I know it is always tough to get Mac out and I know y'all are working on it. Still gonna whine though. :)

Thanks for all of your work!!
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3 years 11 months ago
You are just going to force me to buy a Windows PC aren't you? Don't test me cuz I'll do it!! :evil:
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  • SKIPJACK's Avatar
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3 years 11 months ago
Haha, no you won't have to, we've been putting in extra time for Mac and Linux support :D
I would say back away slowly but umm… I think I’ll just shoot you.
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  • AEGIS's Avatar
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3 years 11 months ago
I have a HP desktop and... a MacBook Pro laptop. They're really well made and run the Windows virus great too.

Well, until they switch to ARM processors in the near future. Not sure what is happening then. :O
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3 years 11 months ago
That's very exciting!!!! Thanks for the hard work! Oh, and screw that ARM garbage!
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3 years 11 months ago
I'm in the middle of getting set up with the latest build files so I can try and put together a Mac version... since I am apparently the only person on the team with a Mac to test it on lol

I have a 2015 MBP 15" and actually a 2009 MBP 17" as well. Hoping to get it done in the next day or so... if it works and health permitting (been sick the last week or so, not covid).

Anyway, cross your fingers!
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3 years 11 months ago
Ok it took an entire day to download all the files and now for it to cache is taking a loooong time. Will keep you posted but guess it will be awhile.
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3 years 11 months ago
Still very exciting!!! Thanks for the work and the updates!!
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3 years 11 months ago
Took DAYS to set up. Unity is YUGE lol

Going to give it a try today or tomorrow, work permitting.
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3 years 10 months ago
FYI been waiting on a big update from IronSight that implements fixes and other things based on open beta feedback.

Once that is in going to give a making Mac client a shot...
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3 years 10 months ago
Fingers crossed!!!!
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3 years 10 months ago
Waiting for the update being tested now and then will put it together.

At some point in testing we'll be at the point of having PC, Mac, and Linux all using and updating via the launcher but that is a ways off...
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3 years 5 months ago
Hey Hey! Popping in to whine about the Mac client again. I know you can't get enough of whiney people all up in your grill.
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  • AEGIS's Avatar
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3 years 4 months ago
Um... maybe get back to us when the game is available on any platform? :D

(server is currently down for massive updates)
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3 years 4 months ago
Uh......I suppose that's fair. Didn't know it was down because..............I can't play anyway. :) :cheer: :lol:
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2 years 7 months ago
Aegis, you will be happy to know that I made the switch back to PC land, and I will no longer be harassing you about a Mac client! Merry Christmas to you!!! Thanks for putting up with all of my whining. :)
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2 years 6 months ago
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