Rewards Have Powered Up
- Details
- Written by IronSight
As development has continued we've improved the capabilities of our technology. With this expansion came the ability to offer our donors more benefits as a thank you for their support. Now that we are providing more rewards, the cost of the tiers has risen. Those who have donated in the past will retain their status and benefits, but will now receive additional rewards for their current tier.

Heroes (and Villains) Need Your Support!
- Details
- Written by AEGIS
Our crowdfunding campaign is live at read on for more information!

Welcome to Our New Home!
- Details
- Written by AEGIS
Welcome to the new Valiance Online website and forums! We'll be posting much more news and content in the coming weeks so stay tuned!

The Formation of the Game World
- Details
- Written by Penitence
Developing the Future of the Super Hero MMO
As our team has grown and evolved, so has the game itself. While our core remains the same, we’ve expanded the overall setting and storytelling for a more unified experience in Valiance Online. We want to take this opportunity to share some of the details as we have done public releases in the past. There are many concepts and systems still in development that will be not all be addressed in this announcement, and we can only ask for your continued support as we release more information regarding the game’s content.