looking through some of the city scape again i was wondering have you guys considered anti terror bollards along the edges of some CBD roads near the official buildings shopping areas extra?
because looking at your back story(which i love) the game world would have as many or more random attacks as the modern world and would probably have many of the modern worlds solutions to that in more technological form.
maybe make the bollards double as parking meter's and or communication terminals with a force field around the road ward 1/2. (it would also let you have copious and easily find able terminals in "civilized" maps if you where wanting certain things like exchange needing to be initiated from a terminal)
i also think roving surveillance drones as NPC's in some areas would be cool if its not to resource heavy
and hyper/alien/super/metal detectors on all official buildings, most corner stores extra
last but not least a lot of security cameras, have every light post obviously have antennas and such/be a surveillance device
all stuff for later on/polish rather then for alpha, which i cant wait for, but thought id mention it now