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8 years 2 months ago
i was listening to some of your interviews and i quite like your ideas for pvp with reputation and such and i hope you are still planing on going along those lines.
i just had one smallish suggestion from some games ive played where they use uniforms relating to factions (most of them have 6 + factions/organisations) where you will have a arch nemesis faction that while your wearing a factions pin bandanna uniform glove extra it will allow open world pvp with people wearing the arch nemisis factions brand.
you could have them act as costume unlocks or not or have them represented in char creator from start extra. so for EG those wearing a levethian com badge would be flagged for those wearing a valour badge but wouldn't be flagged to someone wearing one of the street gang bandannas, who in turn would only be flagged to their Nemesis street gang not the other street gangs/factions.
most of the games im thinking of let you collect and store all the pins/uniforms or at least all the pins relating to your overall alignment/faction so in valiance with vigilantly hero and villain you might have 4+ pin available to any alignment allowing you to switch about and flag up to various people
i think it would ad some ot role play and it should mesh in well with what i have heard in interviews regarding reputation system plus it would give people a opt out option of sorts to avoid greifing as they could pop in a different factions pin if they where getting ganked by someone of a particular faction.
most of the games have a bit of a cool down between switching pins especially if you have recently engaged in pvp or gotten a kill giving someone being greifed a min or 2 window to go somewhere else while being untargetable

just a thought, siting here hanging out for alpha to finish prepping, your not growing those internet cats are you ? :P
so impatient cant wait to get in and see how power sets are working extra, hope its going ok and not to much hair being pulled out :P
Such is Life
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