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Reward Options and Additions

8 years 6 months ago
So looking over the funding page and having run a successful Kickstarter for my own game I wanted to throw some ideas out there and see what people thought...obviously I assume the Devs have things already in mind for additional rewards for Donors.

1. A 100$ donation option
2. Non-Combat pets
3. Costume options with say 1 year of exclusivity to pre-release donors prior to being released into a cash shop
4. Concept Artist version of player characters
5. Design a character as a contact or other NPC in the game
6. Design a weapon or costume option
7. Premium access or a social area or special crafting area exclusive to early backers (again potentially as a cash shop access later)
8. Resource (Cash) and/or XP boosts (perhaps an item that auto levels a single character on an account to level 10)
9. Personal/Super Team Base decorations

Essentially any number of things could be created as short terms exclusives and then released into a cash shop, which would also allow demand to be organically built up for them by people seeing them in game.

Other things would be purely art based so wouldn't take much time from systems development and would again be assets that would be used in the game anyway. Could even offer an option to be Mayor or a city councilman and have likenesses in-game. Potentially make that a cash shop thing where you can pay to get elected and have your likeness appear and get a bonus to XP or something for the year you serve as councilman.
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8 years 6 months ago
Aside from the 1 year exclusivity on costume options ... I think it was like 6 months or something... those are all options / ideas that have been discussed in various places and at least from what I remember, will be implemented in some fashion or other according to the devs in prior back and forths.

The $100 option I don't know if they have lined up yet or not, but I agree - there definitely needs to be one. That is usually about what I can afford on a good month to throw their way. So it would be nice to have that option instead of two 50's, etc.

Also, if we keep donating, or choose a subscription donation - does it build up over time? Or does it need to be a chunk donation to be able to obtain certain rewards? Might be a good idea to specify for people.

Great list. Needs to be on the new forums here regardless.
It's a beautiful day in San Cielo!
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8 years 6 months ago
Mandrake wrote:
Also, if we keep donating, or choose a subscription donation - does it build up over time? Or does it need to be a chunk donation to be able to obtain certain rewards? Might be a good idea to specify for people.

I've been wondering about this, too. I kind-of assume it builds up (since they have a tracker bar on the donations page), but I'd like confirmation on this.
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8 years 6 months ago
Requiring a single $500 donation to be to reach diamond level regardless of how much you have donated before would put a lot of people off of donating at all. It gives the feeling that their donations are appreciated as much as others.

Having it accumulate over time will be much better received since it gives people who can only give very small amount a chance at reaching the highest reward. This gives the feeling of "everything counts" to the ones donating.

Taking that into consideration I am sure it's the grand total that counts, not the single largest one.

EDIT: Found a red post about it.
Last Edit: 8 years 6 months ago by blacke4dawn.
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8 years 6 months ago
I was just about to post this when you edited:
IronSight wrote:
We've engineered our solution so that your donations compile; every donation adds to your current amount. So you don't have to commit to a tier's exact value to eventually reach the higher tiers. You could commit to monthly recurring payments until you reach the higher tiers, or simply commit to one-time donations at your own preferred pace.
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8 years 6 months ago
Thanks guys!
Do you also know who, exactly, qualifies for the "Founder" rewards? Is it people who donated to the Kickstarter, or...?
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8 years 6 months ago
Considering that the Kickstarter was canceled I'm 99.99999999999% sure that it's "reserved" for a purchasable founders pack, which is very common nowadays for games that launch as F2P or B2P.
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8 years 6 months ago
I got an answer on Facebook:
"Founders are people who donated prior to this fundraising campaign (i.e. on our old website)."

I guess I just gotta wait for them to sort out all that previous donations stuff.
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8 years 5 months ago
I saw some of the donor-exclusive costume stuff in-game last night (capes, omg!!). It fueled my impatience. When will this issue be resolved?!
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8 years 5 months ago
I don't think the actual donor patterns will be in-world for a while. You can already create characters with capes. There are just a limited number of them, and only on the male characters until the new models come out. Not sure how long until that is, but there are some different posts around here with the devs talking about it / responding to questions about it. It sounds like it's not that far off that the new (friggin' sweet) character models and a reasonable selection of equivalent clothing for both sexes will be patched in for us to play.

I think it may be a couple or more patches away though. One of the devs might reply to this post, or check around the other posts... they may have directly answered this already!

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8 years 4 months ago
Shocktacular wrote:
I got an answer on Facebook:
"Founders are people who donated prior to this fundraising campaign (i.e. on our old website)."

I guess I just gotta wait for them to sort out all that previous donations stuff.

Gah, well that's a hell of a pain. Only NOW do I have a job I can start adding money to the project. Maybe the founder title will be added later down the line or something? Who knows...

I found it funny that when calculating how much I could give and how fast to fill up Tier 1 it would take about 50 years, lol. That was if I was the only one donating :p
Last Edit: 8 years 4 months ago by Hells Wing.
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8 years 4 months ago
Hells Wing wrote:
I found it funny that when calculating how much I could give and how fast to fill up Tier 1 it would take about 50 years, lol. That was if I was the only one donating :p

What is really amazing when you put it like that - what if we got together and donated the same:
50 of us - reduces that to ONE year
100 of us in just 6 months
200 of us in just 3 months
400 of us? Man... done in a month basically. Or for people who can't afford a C note... still get it done in a few months. Just need the numbers.

Really? We gotta get the word out peops. I think when VO does their next big update - we should get together and push the ever loving sh...crapola out of this thing! :)
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8 years 4 months ago
I'm waiting to hear of some progress on rewards for previous donations. Then I'll donate some more. I want to be sure my donations count.
Last Edit: 8 years 4 months ago by Shocktacular.
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8 years 4 months ago
Haplo wrote:
Hells Wing wrote:
I found it funny that when calculating how much I could give and how fast to fill up Tier 1 it would take about 50 years, lol. That was if I was the only one donating :p

What is really amazing when you put it like that - what if we got together and donated the same:
50 of us - reduces that to ONE year
100 of us in just 6 months
200 of us in just 3 months
400 of us? Man... done in a month basically. Or for people who can't afford a C note... still get it done in a few months. Just need the numbers.

Really? We gotta get the word out peops. I think when VO does their next big update - we should get together and push the ever loving sh...crapola out of this thing! :)

That's my intention. I hope to also use Nvidia's Shadow play to do a let's play of the new update as apparently it'll merge the forum and game ID, plus it'll be quite a major update with many more classes and abilities available.

Most likely none of the pet ones though, I guess.

Also the amount was only £50 as that'd be all I can afford working only a minimum wage job...though the wage is going up and I hope to find some new avenues for cash so who knows what'll happen.
Last Edit: 8 years 4 months ago by Hells Wing. Reason: To add extra stuff
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