Hello there valiant people!
My name is Crypto and altought I just recently made an account, I've been silently watching for over one year.
I have never had the chance to play CoH, whish I had, but my mom didn't want to pay for the monthly subscription at the time
I played a lot of CO and a bit of DCUO and in my opinion, none of these come as close to CoH in term of creative liberty.
I have followed the other two principal CoH successors, City of Titan and Ship of Heroes, and I must say that Valiance Online is the most appealing to me as of right now. I'm even considering to donate soon! (I never do that
Outside the superheroes MMOs I am a robotics/electronics student, aiming to become an engineer. I like to programm in my spare time, skate, play video games etc etc...
Also my first language is French if you devs ever need translators!
So I'll see you on the forums and hopefuly in-game!