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How many character slots should we get?

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  • Gerald Deemer
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8 years 11 months ago
When the big day comes and you log in for the first time how many free slots do you want to see?

Considering the amount of archetypes I would suggest a number between 4 and 6.

What are your thoughts?

(I know the release is far far away and maybe the question comes too early. Just wanted to start a discussion about VO to keep the forums alive!)
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  • Haplo
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8 years 11 months ago
Man, you're way more forgiving than I am. LOL - I was thinking at least 8. They should still make a killing off of the Alt-a-holics like myself. That will last me the first... day. By the end of the first month or maybe two, I will have paid to unlock at least 20 if not more - I had about that many -per server- in CoH. I'm thinking this will just be one server for some time so... yeah. :)
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8 years 11 months ago
CoH started out with 8 slots per server, if memory serves. Since people can only play one at a time, and hard disks are not all that expensive, this seems like a stupid thing to skimp on. On the other hand if there were dozens by default, you would not sell more of them.
No matter how many there are, there better be a way to buy new ones at an affordable rate, and it better be available from day 2, at the latest! The game can't claim to be a spiritual successor to CoH unless you can have dozens and dozens of alts. I am pretty sure I had over 100 at the end.
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8 years 11 months ago
I'm happy with 8...

I won't be needing more than that.

By the way, did they decide on whether or not they were going to have a global handle? I hate those!
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8 years 1 month ago
I think 8 is reasonable; certainly at launch! The option to purchase additional ones or make them available as part of Task Force rewards or more difficult missions; repeatable and difficulty goes up?

Anyways, got to have more to fill everyone's altaholism.

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8 years 1 month ago
8 slots seems to be fine for the departure, could be possible to buy more slots at cheap rate and be veteran rewards.
I know that 8 slots won't be enough for me really fast :p
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8 years 1 month ago
4, if you sub or whatever 12. That is if they have subs, I assume they will?
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  • Gerald Deemer
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7 years 9 months ago
I would love to know how many character slots we can expect. I want to start writing my character biographies and planning thier look.

Is 8 slots realistic?
I mean there are lots of archetypes to choose from the beginning.z0
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Last Edit: 7 years 9 months ago by Gerald Deemer.
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  • ZeeHero
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7 years 9 months ago
Champions Online gives paying subscribers a free slot every time a character hit level cap with no apparent limit. there are people with HUNDREDS of characters in that game, I myself have 70 or so.

The sky is the limit, don't be stingy.

Global handles are neccesary to ensure people get the names they want for their characters. No one enjoys a system where names can get "taken" and you spend hours searching for a name which fits your character. However the global handle need not be shown to other players by default it can be something you can hide.
There is tremendous life and personality in a name. It should be at least as agonized over as any character trait.”
― Travis Beacham
Last Edit: 7 years 9 months ago by ZeeHero.
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7 years 9 months ago
Since the game is free to play, no one wants lockboxes(myself included) and I get the impression they expect each powerset to available, I would have to say at some point they need to charge for something to keep the game and development going. I know some(probably many) will disagree with what will or should sell but I'm not a huge fan of cosmetics and would buy very little of that type of offering as well as skipping on buying any RNG items. I can easily get by with default costumes but I do buy storage in games. i.e. I would buy extra slots. I don't want the developers backed into a corner in what they can offer for purchase so can only offer a different opinion because I'm not seeing "YES, absolutely I would buy that" to any of the content mentioned so far. I'm just mentioning this for the devs so they know what I would and would not buy so they are not pigeon-holed into offering just one type of purchasable content.

Besides all of that, i'm also good with starting at 8.
Last Edit: 7 years 9 months ago by SavageFist.
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  • ZeeHero
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7 years 9 months ago
Yeah I can see a reason to limit slots for F2P players, but subbed players who pay monthly for the game really don't need to share that restriction.
There is tremendous life and personality in a name. It should be at least as agonized over as any character trait.”
― Travis Beacham
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7 years 9 months ago
Yeah, I kind of hoped that subscription would be available. Obviously if it is FTP they need to sell the things people are most motivated to pay for. FTP games tend to have very few character slots because that is something most people will pay for. And of course with people only able to play one alt at a time, there is no extra load on the server, just a fraction of a cent in storage cost, so it is almost pure profit. But it also means I'm usually moving on after a few weeks, so there is that.
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  • ZeeHero
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7 years 9 months ago
I am pretty sure a subscription will be avaliable. If I remember correctly from their description of their planned model that is.
There is tremendous life and personality in a name. It should be at least as agonized over as any character trait.”
― Travis Beacham
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7 years 9 months ago
ZeeHero wrote:
Champions Online gives paying subscribers a free slot every time a character hit level cap with no apparent limit. there are people with HUNDREDS of characters in that game, I myself have 70 or so.

The sky is the limit, don't be stingy.

Global handles are neccesary to ensure people get the names they want for their characters. No one enjoys a system where names can get "taken" and you spend hours searching for a name which fits your character. However the global handle need not be shown to other players by default it can be something you can hide.

I have one... and a half :P

But 70 sounds like a good starting number of available slots :D
Last Edit: 7 years 9 months ago by Anothername.
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  • ZeeHero
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7 years 9 months ago
70 would be a bit much for a free player to start with. the amount of characters I have on CO is a combination of years of lifetime sub and altitis and the fact they give a free slot to subscribers for every max level character.
There is tremendous life and personality in a name. It should be at least as agonized over as any character trait.”
― Travis Beacham
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7 years 9 months ago
ZeeHero wrote:
70 would be a bit much for a free player to start with. the amount of characters I have on CO is a combination of years of lifetime sub and altitis and the fact they give a free slot to subscribers for every max level character.

But just a bit ;)

To be serious I think maybe 2 or 3 for regular free accounts 6-10 for subs and every extra would be sold in the shop and granted by events/special missions/similar.
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7 years 9 months ago
2 base slots + any additional from donation/subscription unlocks and 1 new slot every time you hit max level for current subscribers (also advertise that fact) like on CoH
Such is Life
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Last Edit: 7 years 9 months ago by Archanarchist. Reason: clarified some subject mater
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  • ZeeHero
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7 years 9 months ago
I didnt know CoX did the free slot every max level like CO does. That's a good idea but I'd give subscribers around 6 slots to start out with as well.
There is tremendous life and personality in a name. It should be at least as agonized over as any character trait.”
― Travis Beacham
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7 years 9 months ago
most subscribers will get a extra one almost strait up with bronze tier reward, i think as you sub you go up reward tiers, if they have it like that once you've subed youll have 3 then 4 within a month or 2 plus + for every char you get to max level.
have char slots cost a few dollars on store, not very much but a little so people dont just create massive stables to run one mission with all chars every day and also because in a super hero game people will buy a extra char slot or 2 to level chars then sub to get more char slots and finish leveling them that month.
so keep the initial numbers relatively small to start(this also helps a little with controlling bot population if you institute a decent account registration filter to filter out bots spam emails) and youll create a synergistic cycle on cash shop that will tie into people nearing max level in free mode and buying in for sub then more char slots to repeat the initial process to get them into the habit of subbing and buying char slots :)
Such is Life
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7 years 6 months ago
I would say beginners get 8 to start and the ability to earn an extra slot for each maxed level hero that has completed the main story quest.
this way they can adventure with new power sets and costumes when added later.

subscription players should start out with 15 and get 1 free slot every month until they are maxed... and of course they can do the same as
the free players and unlock it by main story and maxed character.
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