Greetings Lawl and thanks for your lengthy input. We haven't really shared many details regarding the upcoming marketplace, as that's something we're still developing, but it will operate in unison with the donors' accounts. When donating, a dollars-to-points translation will occur, giving the donor's account points that can be used towards purchasing marketplace items. The marketplace will feature things such as custom buildings for your alliance/faction (Valiance's supergroup alternative), custom outfits designed specifically for your account, and more purchasable items like thos. We're still very early in the development phase of the marketplace, but we'll soon have some announcements to shares.
One thing I can't help but notice is that you reiterated your support for the ideas "donations shouldn't merit rewards". While I don't speak for everyone on the team, I feel your money does merit rewards. Our legal staff found potential threats to the company that could be implicated if we chose to use the term "invest" and/or "investment"; this led to the use of the terms "donate" and "donation". However, we still view your "donation" as an investment. You are essentially empowering us to maintain and further develop the game. In other words, you're pay for the game's production, and therefore you are entitled to some form of compensation. Ideas, screenshots, and renders don't really represent an "actual" game, and can't really be played or experienced. So it's important for us to acknowledge your donation as a payment towards your future experience of an actual "game". To show our appreciation, we provide those added rewards, because we need you all to see that we're making an effort to give back to you in the same manner as you gave to us.
Expect more inform regarding the marketplace soon, and let us know if you have any further ideas or concerns.