The minion creator.
To my knowledge, few, if any, MMOs allow this (Does any mmo allow this?). No superhero mmo allows this, that is for sure. The ability to dictate your morale is intriguing for a super hero mmo, but done before, notably in The Elder Scrolls series.
Imo the minion creator will be VO selling point; why?
-Nearly all mmos have a creator
-Nearly all mmos have multiple classes or powers.
-Some allow you to dictate your morale.
-Some allow you to change your powers, or choose where they can be fired from.
-All have customization to my knowledge.
-I am not aware of any with a pet creator, maybe a little bit of pet customization, very little.
I truly believe this will be VO selling point. Hopefully potential players could get a taste of it during the alpha. At the moment, VO is not standing out from other superhero mmos, it is just another superhero mmo is a niche market. The pet creator will set it apart from the others. VO will be the only place you can go to create a pet