Kefrem wrote:
yea im lookin forward to playing libery guard again...funny...they bailed on coh then made my toon..liberty guard stands next to defender on the 4th of july :\
anyway him...soulstar, ill bring all my toons back to life again. ill have to figure out how they got from paragon to here though
"You <fell/walked/jumped/got pushed> through a <magic/alien/ancient tech/wonderous steampunk machina/regular prototype high tech> <hole/portal/door/tunnel> and appeared on X"
"You never left; thats the you from a parallel world that was always there and up to now have done everything the same except where the names are different"
"Alien abduction"
"Its the same world; you got bored of City X & moved to City Y in another state and see no reason to look back"
... "All of the above at the same time but in reversed direction"