One thing that's struck me about powersets in superhero RPGs is the complete lack of fantasy for speedster characters. Speedsters are a staple of the genre: the Flash is a member of the JLA! Quicksilver is a major player in the Marvel Universe! And yet, City of Heroes, Champions Online, and DCUO have all treated superspeed as a travel pool power only.
Both COH and CO had a "Super Reflexes" defense set, but neither did anything fun with the offensive abilities of the speedster. If you wanted to make a speedster, you were stuck with Street Justice, Martial Arts, Kinetic Melee, or Super Strength. Flash isn't a brawler, he isn't a ninja, and he's not Superman.
Ask yourself: which is more common in comic books: the speedster or the bubble projector?
Superspeed melee would be an awesome opportunity for fantastic animations structured around blindingly fast strikes, multiple hits, whirlwinds, tornadoes, etc. It would be FUN!
Right now, Valiance is in a similar spot-- we've got Street Brawling, Super Strength, and Martial Arts. Those aren't speedsters though! I would love to see Valiance lead the charge on expanding super speed beyond a simple Pool Power.