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Community Developer - Travel Powers

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7 years 6 months ago
What travel powers would you like to see most in Valiance Online?

Note, Flight, Super Speed, and Super Jump are already available...
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  • cyanpill
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7 years 6 months ago
Carsurfing! :D
Backer #261
Check out SEGS, an attempt to remake CoH servers!
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7 years 6 months ago
teleport, grapple hook (like spidermans web sling), motorcycle, jetpack/rocket boots, bounce (turn into a giant rubber ball), slide along an ice/lava/vine path, animal morphing into a bird or cheetah, turn into electricity and travel on powerlines, turn into water and travel in sewer system/underground, lower body turns into a comet trail/tornado/electricity, portals, ride on a flying storm cloud, and finally rollerblades/skateboard that's rocket propelled.

that's all I can think of for now.
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  • Pyrion
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7 years 6 months ago
Bat mobile.
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7 years 6 months ago
Pretty much just use what is in Champions Online, their travel powers are pretty cool, just don't gate them behind lockboxes and you'll be fine :P
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7 years 6 months ago
Seconding some form of teleportation, "surfing" type animations like a hoverboard/Static's manhole cover, a "parkour" or shounen manga style freerunning animation option.
Animation idea for teleport analog: Shot out of a cannon. Trigger the power, target your destination, and the character is shot out of a cannon daredevil style into the destination.
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7 years 6 months ago
cyanpill wrote:
Carsurfing! :D

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  • ZeeHero
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7 years 6 months ago
What I would like to see most is the ability to have more than one travel power, rather than a specific travel power.

Most of my hero concepts require more than one.

Rocket boots would be a must though, as would teleportation. Maybe some kind of portal opening travel power which allows teammates to pass through too.
There is tremendous life and personality in a name. It should be at least as agonized over as any character trait.”
― Travis Beacham
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7 years 6 months ago
All the ones mentioned so far would be awesome to have, although teleportation is a must! Not sure if related but would maybe like to see the travel powers have some other functions besides, well, travel. In DCUO each travel power had a skill-tree with a variety of abilities (acrobatics giving you a boomerang throw ability, flight giving you a divebomb) would be interesting to see in this if it could be done.
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7 years 6 months ago
Flying. Super Speed, Grappling, Acrobats, Teleportation, and any variations with these.
I didn't like Champions level lock on the second travel.
Would like if you can 2 at once or more. If i want to teleport while flying that would be good.

Is there away that if you have a travel power could you use with your powersets.
Like a flying bomb. or super speed punching.
Or teleporting evasion. or teleport behind to hit. Think X-men 2 - nightcrawler in the oval office.

Dont like the idea that travel powers are a seperate mechanic from the powersets.
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  • Misha
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7 years 6 months ago
I'd love to see shape-shifting used as a travel power. Cheetah for speed, bird for flight, dolphin for swimming, etc~
"Everyone's quick to blame the alien." - Aeschylus
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7 years 6 months ago
Variation on super jump - fired out of a cannon. :silly:

And I always loved the Thing's skycycle.
Last Edit: 7 years 6 months ago by SavageFist.
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7 years 6 months ago
I'd like to continue with the suggestions made by Zee and Craiger.

Having two travel powers allows synergies that would not otherwise be possible. These were often very popular in CoX, such as Superspeed + Superjump. Speed isn't always going to get you to the places you need to go, especially if you can't run up walls (DCUO's mechanic for speed/acrobatics). The combination of teleportation and flight was also very useful, as you could strategically reposition yourself more quickly than waiting for hover to get you there. And as Zee mentioned, being able to have at least two travel powers allows players to fulfill their character concepts in a more complete manner, which immensely deepens their immersion in the character's realism according to their vision - and as a result - the game world itself.

As for having auxiliary power sets for travel powers - I believe this is an idea with excellent potential. We've seen this used slightly in CoX, and to a greater degree again in DCUO. Travel abilities are an integral part of many heroes and villains, some of which have their entire powerset based on their travel ability. While I don't necessarily believe we need to go quite that far with it, it would be interesting to see what creative ideas and builds players can produce given these additional tools. That said, this wouldn't need to be available right at launch. You guys have a ton of work to do already, and we absolutely understand that. But it would be nice to see at some point during the first year of VO's release.

I may have some travel powerset ideas for you guys later as well. In the meantime, thank you again for your amazing level of communication with the community. You make us feel valuable and appreciated, and it only intensifies our enthusiasm and creative output.

Looking forward to the next stream.

Have a great day guys!
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  • Robenix
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7 years 6 months ago
Well, that Elasticity power one gets for supporting the game ticks one item off the list :P

I would be a fan of seeing customization on different poses/stances for travel powers-- namely, different runs for super speed and flight poses-- that can be toggled with player preference. I never got how /flightpose worked in COH (assumedly worked better as a macro, if only I knew then what I do now) and Champs simply has them as separate TPs altogether (often combined with VFX options baked into the power).

So, say you get super speed, you should be able to freely choose whether or not you want an athletic run, anime run, comical run, etc.

Some of the CO travel powers are really creative, such as tunnelling (including ooze forms), swarming flight, and super-speed rolling: the latter of which is something one of my mains in that game's concept is based on.
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7 years 6 months ago
Some have asked about the quantity of travel powers you can have on a character. Theoretically the way the current system is setup(Saying this as the lead systems designer) you have access to 24 powers between starting and max level. The first two powers you pick must be from your power sets. This leaves you with 22 options to pick any available powers.

Now as far as when travel powers will be unlocked, this is may change but we are looking at around level 15. So between level 15 and 50 you will have 15 chances to pick travel powers :)... Now we just have to give you at least 15 options

Now for the Public safety announcement part of the post: As the systems designer I can not vouch for the combat viability of a character that is 2/3rds travel powers lol

BUT if your characters RP required that many travel powers, who am I to stop you, have fun!
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  • ZeeHero
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7 years 6 months ago
I would definitely want Rocket Boots as a form of flight. some of my favorite characters I want to recreate have a power armor or robot theme.
There is tremendous life and personality in a name. It should be at least as agonized over as any character trait.”
― Travis Beacham
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7 years 6 months ago
I hope winged characters won't need to take taxi until level 15! Actually, I really hope there will be winged characters, as it is a major draw of this genre. Perhaps not at release, but at least in an early issue. I would certainly be willing to pay for a pair of nice wings.
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  • sersi
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7 years 6 months ago
i've mostly just lurked until now, but had to post finally to correct the glaring omission of "wall crawling" from this thread >.>
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7 years 6 months ago
You got the main basics covered.

I would like to see something like DCUO Acrobatics/CoH Ninja Run mix. Not as fast as SS, but very wallcrawly/parkour like.

Obviously Teleportation, but with Teleportation ability to open Portal gates to zones & obviously recall friend power.
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7 years 6 months ago
I think all the ideas in my head boil down to the equivalent of teleportation.
  • Customary travel powers don't really work well (in my opinion) for plant-themed toons, but something like decomposing into spores, riding the wind,
    and reconstituting at the destination would be neat. Or rooting into the ground and "growing" at the destination.
  • For some reason I can't get out of my head the subspace highway from Scott Pilgrim, so that's like a door-based teleport.
  • I'm also thinking about some quantum entanglement whatever where you project yourself at a destination and then resolve to the projection.
  • Something gravity-based, like a tesselation that warps the world without moving the toon, but I don't know how you would do that without overloading the physics engine.

I thought I read somewhere that there'd be a "ride" or "carry" type of mechanic? Also, one thing not mentioned in this thread but I think it would have to have been considered in light of the size-related powers (pretty sure I read about that as well), giant form is naturally able to cover more distance with fewer steps. (Man, giant form with super speed....)

What about an ethereal form that would allow you to run through objects? That's another idea that would probably be too hard on the servers since the environment would need to have dimentioned/detailed exteriors and interiors. But phasing would open up a whole slew of theming.
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