ivanhedgehog wrote:
We guesstimated that they would launch alpha by months end, and it was a WAG. I am sure they are working on it and will produce it soon. I am far from a fan boy, I most often end up one of the more critical posters of the games I follow. They are working on their own schedule, they will produce at their own schedule. Once the game gets ready for beta they will very likely have at least a few people going full time, which will speed things up enormously. Hopefully we will start getting weekly status updates, which would help to keep people calm. As to steam quality product, as long as they are meeting their project management goals, they are fine.
First the good. VO has a great vision. There is alot of potential here. Now, the real, or reality of the situation; I get the bolded, but this is my issue. Usually, when they say "X" will be ready by months end, etc, etc, I am expecting it by months end. When it does not reach that deadline, something has happened and we all know this. The cats, bugs, whatever, there are usually errors and the game is a direct representation of that.
How many times have they said "X" will be ready by later tonight" and we waited weeks?
How many times have you heard, "X will be ready by the morning" only to wait nearly a month?
This aint normal people. Delays are yes, but every single time? By Weeks? No. This will not fly with Steam; their errors will be magnified and no amount of whiteknighting will change the image of VO.
I am honesty not expecting much from this alpha to be honest. Therefore, you will not hear me being too critical other than I told you all so. When they can hit deadlines which
THEY established, then I will have more faith in them. I am sorry but it just seems strange that these guys establish timelines and miss them by weeks, not days, weeks.....I am looking at the totality of the development, not just the game. This is worrisome. You cannot even meet deadlines
YOU established? Why even establish them to the public? Just stay quite like DCUO and CoT?