Sorry if this is not the place for it, saw no off topic.
Ok, here is the thing. Folks use DCUO's off-topic to discuss comics, movies, music as-well as upcoming games. As you can see here...
Now, little old me was just trying to start a discussion about VO, and up and coming hero MMO that is nowhere near the level of completion as The Division, but this is what happens to any VO thread......
This is not anything new, every time someone creates a VO thread in the off topic this happens. People can discuss Destiny, ESO, and even CO, but anything VO gets shutdown, what gives?
I would address the dev team personally about this, but it would just get deleted, lol. We, over at DCUO cannot talk to anyone about it cause it would get shutdown. I wanted to get your thoughts folks? Devs and Players alike, this makes no sense imo.
And no, I was not being offensive, me and some folks were just posting pics and sharing vids, like the other off topic threads. The VO thread are actually the one of the more positive ones over there, no arguing nor debates.